Thursday, August 29, 2019

Art, Science and Technology ( A Cabinet of Curiosities ) Essay

Art, Science and Technology ( A Cabinet of Curiosities ) - Essay Example This can be found in the Weisman Art Museum on the East Bank. While the title of this piece is Silent Music, it looks to me like a bookshelf with different shapes in each cell. Five of the objects I chose for my cabinet of curiosities may be grouped under the heading of â€Å"modernizing the traditional.† This is a suitable heading because these objects are based on traditional human tools which have played a specific function in human development. These objects have been modernized to portray a superfluous modern aesthetic which is entirely unnecessary for the object to function. The black hat, found in the Goldstein Museum has the same traditional function of all hats: it covers the head for warmth and protection. What makes this piece unique is the height, texture and shape. While a stocking cap would perform the same function as this beaver hat, this piece could be worn as a representation of social status, wealth or culture. Muslim males wear hats similar to this called Songkoks to social functions like weddings or funerals. New World fur traders may have worn these hats as evidence of their trade. The cultural significance of the Songkok or Fr ench beaver pelt overshadow the traditional role of other hats. The Eyeglass Sketches also have a traditional function which has been styled and designed. These glasses retain their function as medical devices that help humans see, but the superfluous aesthetic which makes a wearer look like Buddy Holly is a modern addition. Silent Music VII completely loses its function as a series of shelves because of the decorative contents of each box. The shapes which each shelf contains function provide an aesthetic touch which renders the actual shelves useless. The X-Ray tube is also robbed of its functionality because it exists outside of a medical center. It is not plugged in and it is not in the hands of medical professionals or physicists. Even though the tube is

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