Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Business Skills Development Program - 869 Words

During the last six months of the Business Skills Development Program, the Institute completed its 75 hour-long entrepreneurial curriculum in fifteen Saturday sessions. Twenty-three students registered for the Entrepreneurship Fundamentals course, and ten successfully graduated from the course. Instructional services such as class lectures, guest speaker presentations, and supervised writing assistance all contributed to their completion of a business plan. On the other hand, absences and withdrawals were experienced after the 3rd and 4th day of the class schedule. However, it should be noted that such issues with class attendance and withdrawals are common in an adult educational setting, and are in line with what we have observed with our adult educational program. In spite of absences experienced during the course schedule, these course graduates did a great job catching up with class lessons missed, and were proactive in the writing assistance component of the class; thus, their efforts to continue and completing the course also allowed for each graduate receiving a certificate of completion and small ceremony acknowledging their accomplishments. However, it should be noted that the Institute’s Entrepreneurship Fundamentals course began in spring and ran through the summer. As a result, this schedule duration became an inconvenience for some students but most importantly it contributed to our low class retention. 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